Presentation of the Asset Management market

The European Asset Management market brings together 4,200 management companies managing more than 62,000 open funds for a total outstanding amount of €25,000 billion. The three main management territories are, in terms of assets under management, the United Kingdom, France and Germany and represent 2/3 of the European market.

The challenges of Asset Management

Despite these impressive figures, asset managers on behalf of third parties are faced with several major strategic challenges:

  • How to protect their income in the face of the decrease in average management commission rates observed in recent years?
  • How to create and maintain differentiating factors in the face of passive management which tends to trivialize financial management?
  • How to adapt the management offer to new market conditions (negative rates, reduced volatility, flattening of spreads, etc.) and to societal and environmental changes?
  • How to use new technologies to innovate, invent new investment strategies and improve operational efficiency?
  • What possible growth drivers in services, in addition to the traditional management offer?
  • How to rethink the IX “investor experience” by a “Client centric” approach and no longer by the product?
  • Is direct retail distribution a viable commercial strategy and how to implement it?

Asset Managers’ strategic projects

These challenges lead Asset Managers to launch projects to develop their offers, their operational model and their information systems:

  • Outsourcing of non-strategic activities,
  • Renewal of business software or deployment of SaaS solutions,
  • Transformation of investment processes to integrate ESG / SRI criteria,
  • Range redesign,
  • Launch of fiduciary management services,
  • Launch of a DtoC distribution portal,
  • Launch of an operational efficiency program,
  • Client Servicing redesign,
  • Development of a new customer reporting offer,

Périclès Group offers an Asset Management advisory offer adapted to all Asset Managers or institutional investors to facilitate their transformation project.

Consulting offers for General Management


Consulting offers for the Operations Department


Consulting offers for the Commercial Department


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